How to Salvage Your Sinking or Sunken Boat

If your boat has sunk or is sinking, there are some important steps you need to take to salvage it. Depending on the severity of the situation, you may be able to save your boat with some quick thinking and a little elbow grease. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through what you need to do to salvage your sinking or sunken boat.

1. Assess the situation. The first thing you need to do is determine whether your boat can be saved. If it’s still afloat but taking on water, you may be able to fix the problem and avoid sinking altogether. However, if your boat has already sunk, you’ll need to act quickly to salvage it.

2. Call for help. Once you’ve determined that your boat is in trouble, it’s time to call for professional help. Frog Marine offers salvage services to recover sinking and sunken boats.

3. Try to maroon the vessel. Once you have help, you’ll need to try to maroon the vessel by anchoring it or tying it to something sturdy onshore. This will prevent it from drifting away and make it easier to salvage.

4. Pump out the water. If your boat is only partially submerged, you may be able to pump out the water and float it again. However, if your boat is completely submerged, you’ll need to take additional steps (see below).

5. Right the vessel. Unless your boat is very small, you’ll likely need help righting it if it’s capsized or sunken. Use ropes or other materials to secure the vessel and then pull it upright with brute force.

6. Patch any holes or cracks. Once you’ve righted your vessel, take a look for any holes or cracks that may have caused it to sink in the first place. Patch them up as best as you can so that they don’t cause any more problems down the road.

7. Pump out the remaining water. If there’s still water in your boat after patching up any holes, now is the time to pump it out. This will help remove any remaining weight from the vessel and make it easier to float again.

8. Float your vessel again. Now that your vessel is patched up and most of the water has been removed, try floating it again. You may need to tow it back to shore if it’s too heavy to float on its own.

9. Call a professional, even if you’ve managed to successfully salvage your vessel, it’s a good idea in case you need further assistance. They can inspect your vessel for additional damage and ensure everything is in working order before returning it to the water.

Salvaging a sinking or sunken boat can be a difficult and dangerous task. However, following these simple steps can increase your chances of success. Remember, always err on the side of caution and call Frog Marine to assist with the salvage and recovery.